Our case studies provide a more detailed account of some of the different projects that we have worked on.
An assessment on how aircraft noise around airports is currently being managed within the European Union and how it can be improved.
Deliver strategic noise maps and associated noise exposure statistics for ‘major roads’ in Gibraltar as required under national legislation transposed from Directive 2002/49/EC.
Delivery of technical consultancy services to support the Aircraft Noise Competent Authority of Ireland fulfil various regulatory requirements arising from EU Regulation 598/2014 at Dublin Airport for any proposed changes in operating restrictions.
Provision of strategic advice, technical leadership and assessments in relation to aircraft noise arising from the proposed expansion of Heathrow Airport. Delivery of services with reference to relevant policies and procedures such as the UK Civil Aviation Authority’s Airspace Change Process (ACP).
Responded very quickly and effectively to a short-notice package of work and provided detailed, comprehensive report addressing issue raised, with clear conclusions.
© Air Quality Consultants, Logika Consultants and Noise Consultants 2024