Jamieleigh is a Consultant within the Environmental Policy & Economics team and joined the company in 2024.
Jamieleigh joined Logika Group as a Consultant bringing 2 years consulting experience from Ricardo plc working in the water resources and catchment management team. Prior to this Jamieleigh completed a master’s degree in environmental science and management from the University of York.
Jamieleigh has worked on projects for both private and public clients. Jamieleigh has experience working on projects for utility clients, mainly water companies as well as wider water industry clients such as UK Water Industry Research (UKWIR) and Waterways Ireland.
Jamieleigh has worked on a range of projects spanning subject areas such as water, climate and chemical risk. She played a key role in producing a Natural Capital Account for Waterways Ireland as the GIS and data lead. She also played a vital role in organising and supporting in undertaking stakeholder consultation for the updates the Drought Code of Practice on behalf of UKWIR
Small report commissioned for a project in London. Report completed in good time and had the information required.
Caldwell Consulting
Undertake a formal impact assessment of options to revise the Regulation establishing the European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (E-PRTR) according to the Commission’s Better Regulation Guidelines.
Develop policy options for the control of key non-road emission sources in Bristol, based on the powers available to UK local authorities.
Deliver strategic noise maps and associated noise exposure statistics for ‘major roads’ in Gibraltar as required under national legislation transposed from Directive 2002/49/EC.
The Water Industry National Environment Programme for 2025-30 sets out the actions water companies must take to adhere to legislative requirements, such as asset improvements, investigations, monitoring and catchment interventions.
© Air Quality Consultants, Logika Consultants and Noise Consultants 2024